New Year, New Goals

2019 and the decade are coming to an end, so it’s time to think about those New Year Resolutions for 2020. Most resolutions are kept for the first few months of the year then abandoned, which is normal with all the other responsibilities you have to keep up with. This year will be different though because this blog shares tips on how to set and keep the right goals!

Determine what you want to achieve 

Before you can even start setting your goals, think about what you want to achieve next year. Make a list of your most important achievements and steps you need to take in order to accomplish them. That way you can visually see what you want and a road map to reach your goals. Pick the ones that you want to accomplish the most next year and they can be the start to your New Year Resolutions. 

Follow the SMART setup 

When creating goals, they should follow the acronym: SMART. Creating goals that follow this format is very important because, without them, you’re less likely to stick to your goal and accomplish it. This stands for:

  • Specific 
    • Pinpoint every part of your goal so you can check off each step as you accomplish it. A vague goal isn't helpful so instead of making your goal to "exercise more," try "go to the gym and run on the treadmill for 30 minutes 3 times a week."
  • Measurable
    • Your goal must be measurable, or you won't have an accurate way to check if you're on track. Use numbers for things like how much time you want to spend on a goal or how many times a week you want to do so.
    • If you have a more complex goal than going to the gym, set up steps and what you're going to get done each week or month to make progress.
  • Attainable
    • If you’re working full-time and make your goal to “go to the gym 7 days a week for 5 hours a day” that may not be attainable due to work and the other responsibilities in your life, yet it may be attainable for someone else. Focus on you, what you have time for, and what you’re willing to spend your time on when making these goals.
    • If your goal is too challenging and unattainable, then you’re likely to lose the motivation to keep trying. A challenge isn’t a bad thing, but it needs to be realistic.
  • Relevant
    • Make sure your goals are what you want to accomplish, if it’s worthwhile and if now is the right time for you. You should have some sort of intrinsic motivation for completing these goals and getting satisfaction from them so evaluating this when making the goals will help you in the end.
  • Time-bound
    • With goals that have multiple steps, set timelines for each piece so you can reach that end date. It’s easy to lose track and get overwhelmed when there’s a lot to get done and then the goal may not get completed.
    • Set a timeline so you can hold yourself accountable and determine when you want to get your goal accomplished. You can have an ongoing goal, which doesn’t necessarily need a timeline, just set a timeline of what you want to do each week or month, etc.
Photo: Impact Management Services

Write them down

Once you set your goals and determined what you want to accomplish in the new year, write them down. Keep them in a journal or somewhere that you’ll see them every day to remind you of them. This way it makes them become shaped into reality, allows you to track your progress even easier and use it to focus on your most important goals.

Photo: Bustle
We hope that we could help you plan out your New Years Resolutions and make goals that won’t get abandoned a few months into the new year. Here’s to the new year and a new chance to seize new opportunities. Let us know your goals for 2020 on this post!


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